Back to contests list Winners for Regular CategoryOpen - December, 2024 Class B HMClass B HMClass B 2ndClass B 2ndClass B 1stClass A HMClass A HMClass A 2ndClass A 2ndClass A 2ndClass A 1stSalon HMSalon HMSalon HMSalon HMSalon 2ndSalon 2ndSalon 1stSalon 1stSalon 1stAll images submitted for this competition267 Cleared for LandingChris WilcoxAA Passionate ArtistDolores BrownAAlliviaJulie KellerBBalance and GraceMark TegtmeierABarred Owl FilmstripJeff LevesqueSBig Glacial Rock (Infrared)Karin LessardABobcat on the boardsEric LohseBBryce Hoodoos Early MorningJohn McGarrySBuilt to LastAlene GalinACalling His HerdNancy SchumannAChess player ICMFrank Zaremba MNECSChinese HalloweenLouis Arthur NortonAColor me pinkJanice OliveriBConnectingQuannah LeonardBCool DudeMarylou LavoieADetermined KingletBen ParisiBDog's Eye View of Bantam LakeLinda Miller-GarganoBFence line and flowersKevin HulseBGalapagos TortoiseSusan CaseSGlass ButterflyQuyen PhanBGlenelg Church CemeteryJim PatrinaAGoat Island Light HolidayJeff LevesqueSGoat on a LogLinda Miller-GarganoBHighland LightNancy SchumannAHindu Multi-armed Goddess and Apparently a Potent Back ScratcherLouis Arthur NortonAHome InvasionMarylou LavoieAJenLinda FickingerALady In RedOwen SmallBLock Bridge over the Salzach RiverPamela CarterBLove is In the AirEric WolfeAMagnificent Frigate Bird PortraitSusan CaseSMiddle of NowhereAmy KeithBModern Tree Sculpture in Columbus OHChip NeumannBmore curvesJohn ParisiAMud VolcanoGrace YoderAOtsego Lake, Cooperstown, NYJim PatrinaAPink RoseWilliam LatournesAPraise the Sun GodRichard BuschSPumpkin Picking in AutumnAmy KeithBReynolds GardensQuannah LeonardBRufous-tailed hummingbirdAlison WilcoxBShoreline SunsetIan VeitzerAShow-StopperDavid RobbinsBStable Cat in a Wind StormKarin LessardASunkDolores BrownASunset at Nobska BeachMark TegtmeierASwan chick reflectionFrank Zaremba MNECSThe Black Church of BudirEric WolfeAThe trail's waiting, take the next step!Julie KellerBWhose Eyes are Those EyesBen ParisiBWriting's- on- the- WallAlene GalinA Class B HMThe Light BeyondQuyen PhanBShades of FuchsiaOwen SmallB Class B 2ndThe GiftDavid RobbinsBRed-eyed Tree FrogAlison WilcoxB Class B 1stThe Italian Pastry ShopKevin HulseB Class A HMDefying the OddsLinda FickingerANW CTJohn ParisiA Class A 2ndHarness RacingWilliam LatournesALadies Man LarryGrace YoderAA Cold Day In ConnecticutIan VeitzerA Class A 1stSpring ChickChris WilcoxA Salon HMTemperance Meeting TodayBill PayneSAutumn Leaf CleanupBob FerranteSA Time to Pull TogetherJohn StraubSThe Fisherman's Work GlovesLorraine CosgroveS Salon 2ndEast WackerBill PayneShovieRichard BuschS Salon 1stFaces of the FastJohn StraubSEuropean Skipper on Blue VetchJohn McGarrySThe PounceBob FerranteS