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Winners for Regular Category
Open - December, 2024

All images submitted for this competition

267 Cleared for LandingChris WilcoxA
A Passionate ArtistDolores BrownA
AlliviaJulie KellerB
Balance and GraceMark TegtmeierA
Barred Owl FilmstripJeff LevesqueS
Big Glacial Rock (Infrared)Karin LessardA
Bobcat on the boardsEric LohseB
Bryce Hoodoos Early MorningJohn McGarryS
Built to LastAlene GalinA
Calling His HerdNancy SchumannA
Chess player ICMFrank Zaremba MNECS
Chinese HalloweenLouis Arthur NortonA
Color me pinkJanice OliveriB
ConnectingQuannah LeonardB
Cool DudeMarylou LavoieA
Determined KingletBen ParisiB
Dog's Eye View of Bantam LakeLinda Miller-GarganoB
Fence line and flowersKevin HulseB
Galapagos TortoiseSusan CaseS
Glass ButterflyQuyen PhanB
Glenelg Church CemeteryJim PatrinaA
Goat Island Light HolidayJeff LevesqueS
Goat on a LogLinda Miller-GarganoB
Highland LightNancy SchumannA
Hindu Multi-armed Goddess and Apparently a Potent Back ScratcherLouis Arthur NortonA
Home InvasionMarylou LavoieA
JenLinda FickingerA
Lady In RedOwen SmallB
Lock Bridge over the Salzach RiverPamela CarterB
Love is In the AirEric WolfeA
Magnificent Frigate Bird PortraitSusan CaseS
Middle of NowhereAmy KeithB
Modern Tree Sculpture in Columbus OHChip NeumannB
more curvesJohn ParisiA
Mud VolcanoGrace YoderA
Otsego Lake, Cooperstown, NYJim PatrinaA
Pink RoseWilliam LatournesA
Praise the Sun GodRichard BuschS
Pumpkin Picking in AutumnAmy KeithB
Reynolds GardensQuannah LeonardB
Rufous-tailed hummingbirdAlison WilcoxB
Shoreline SunsetIan VeitzerA
Show-StopperDavid RobbinsB
Stable Cat in a Wind StormKarin LessardA
SunkDolores BrownA
Sunset at Nobska BeachMark TegtmeierA
Swan chick reflectionFrank Zaremba MNECS
The Black Church of BudirEric WolfeA
The trail's waiting, take the next step!Julie KellerB
Whose Eyes are Those EyesBen ParisiB
Writing's- on- the- WallAlene GalinA
Class B HM
The Light BeyondQuyen PhanB
Shades of FuchsiaOwen SmallB
Class B 2nd
The GiftDavid RobbinsB
Red-eyed Tree FrogAlison WilcoxB
Class B 1st
The Italian Pastry ShopKevin HulseB
Class A HM
Defying the OddsLinda FickingerA
NW CTJohn ParisiA
Class A 2nd
Harness RacingWilliam LatournesA
Ladies Man LarryGrace YoderA
A Cold Day In ConnecticutIan VeitzerA
Class A 1st
Spring ChickChris WilcoxA
Salon HM
Temperance Meeting TodayBill PayneS
Autumn Leaf CleanupBob FerranteS
A Time to Pull TogetherJohn StraubS
The Fisherman's Work GlovesLorraine CosgroveS
Salon 2nd
East WackerBill PayneS
hovieRichard BuschS
Salon 1st
Faces of the FastJohn StraubS
European Skipper on Blue VetchJohn McGarryS
The PounceBob FerranteS