Artist Biography

Harold Grimes is a disabled Navy veteran who is in recovery from PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, and other Challenges. He started using photography as a therapeutic tool four years ago. He found when taking photographs and then editing them, his focus and concentration was sharper, and the challenges of the day were put on the back burner.
In July 2019, he was coaxed into entering his first juried show. His work has been widely accepted in a variety of venues from local juried shows to several national and international juried shows. He began to grow confidence in his work while at the same time developing a style that is unique to him.
As an untrained artist, he joined the Simsbury Camera Club in 2016 to learn more about his craft. He progressed to the point where his scores for his photos have risen and he is regularly recognized for his improvement. In September 2019, he joined the Windsor Palette and Brush club. From this involvement his hope is to obtain a better understanding of various art forms and find ideas that will be useful in perfecting his style and technique.