Each year the images that score well in the club’s monthly competitions are evaluated by an independent judge from outside the club. That judge selects a winning image for each of the club’s 8 trophies. Each winning photographer and the year of their win are listed below under the name of each trophy.
Trophy Winners
- Robert Strindberg Memorial Award – Best Nature Image
- Patrina/Metzger Award – Alternate Class Best Image of the Year
- Patrick K. Doherty Award – Photo Travel
- Nathan Gutman Memorial Award – Best Creative Image
- Judy Rabinowitz Award – Alternate Class Photo Travel
- John R. Kennedy Memorial Award – Portrait of the Year
- John McGarry Award – Best Image of the Year
- Ed Emmons Award – Alternate Class Best Nature Image
In addition, the names of the winners of now retired awards for slide and print competitions are also listed below, the oldest dating to 1960.
Retired Awards
- Slide of the Year
- Print of the Year
- Nature Slide of the Year (1983-2009)
- Buttles-Palmer Award, Alternate Class Slide of the Year (1980-2009)