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$col_class = "col-9-12";
if (is_author()) {
$col_class = "col-12-12";
Magnolia Tree Blossom

Snack time

Soft pink Flower

Downtown, Charleston SC



Arches National Park Utah

Looking for a church

Mesa Arch Conyonlands National Park Utah

Column of smoke

Hartford slums

The Genie is out of the bottle

Butterfly on ground

Here I come

Red Tulip

Strange flower

Swirling light

Hummingbird Moth

Ready for takeoff

Bee on flower

One more jump to go

Waiting for a meal

Alaska Denali National Park Eielson Overlook

Anybody got change for the tip?

Hiking near a glacier

First morsels

Rolling on the river

Storm in a sunflower field

Twin Towers

Where are all the flowers?

Alaskan moose near Beaver Creek

Danger -- Keep away from the rocks


Beach sunset



Oh, my aching feet

White Dahlia

White Orchid

Pink on black

Window washer flying hazard

Come swim with me

Ground squirrel

Middletown Bridge

Nap time


Back to the hive

Header for a goal

Hungry fly

Last meal of the day

Taking a break

Beyond repair

Low tide

Race Rock lighthouse off connecticut coast

Good eats

Resting at the county fair

Water lily

No stealth this time

Speared fish


Flower on the beach




Old farm house

Delightful Dahlia

Needs a little TLC

Spear fishing

Civil war statue

Gator waiting for dinner

Moody lady

Butterfly in field

Filtering for food

Narrow Falls

Resting Dragonfly

Yellow delight

Bull wins this round

Old farm house

Rainy Day

Mom with her goslings

Not so much this year

Pretty Boy

Cape Lookout Light NC

Cute Pig?

Fogged-in at low tide

Calm before the storm in Montana


Yellow Flower

Ant in a flower

Mating season squabble

Dinner is Served

Flying high

Hostas Galore

Christine's fancy hair


Reeds on a pond

Get out of the water

Good night

Magnolia blossom

Monet Copycat

Standing Tall

Zipping along

A boy and his friend

Frozen leaves

Love is in the air

Mama and her cygnets

Red barn after snow storm

Clowning Around

Move Over Big Boy

Windy Feather Day