Our Mission
The Simsbury Camera Club, based in Simsbury, Connecticut, has been sharing a passion for
photography since 1955. For over 70 years, we’ve fostered a welcoming environment for
anyone looking to improve their photographic skills. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just
starting out, we invite you to join us!
Newcomers are always welcome at our meetings, and we hope you’ll find your way to becoming
a MEMBER of our club. Together, we explore techniques to enhance our photography and
engage in both internal and external competitions each month.
For a complete list of our meetings and activities, please check out our Calendar. We look
forward to capturing moments with you!
SCC Officers and Committee Chairs
Elected Officers
- Set meeting agendas and run both board meetings and general meetings
- Set calendar and reserve meeting space
- Receive and respond to outside emails
- Coordinates club activities
- Be alternate signatory on club bank accounts along with the treasurer
- MC the annual banquet
- Appoint ad hoc committees as needed
- Work with the president on all activities as needed
- Substitute for president as needed
- Attend board meetings
- Arrange for, pick up and deliver EOY trophies and plaques to banquet
- Become president after current president’s term expires
- Account for all monies of the SCC
- Track monies in check book
- Monthly reconcile statement from Simsbury Bank and Trust
- Prepare monthly P&L statement and report at the monthly board meeting
- Work with auditor annually to review financial practices and document accuracy
- Help develop and monitor the annual budget
- Track all paid and unpaid members including: name, address, phone #, and email and save signed waiver/release. Record method, date and amount of payment as well as banquet participation
- Prepare and file annual Federal tax return
- Prepare and file annual Secretary of State filing
- Ensure use of tax exempt status for all club purchases
- Keep track of state tax exempt number and federal employee identification number
- Comply with any request by the SCC president or board relating to club’s finances
- Attend board meetings
- Keep a correct record of all club business meetings and executive board meetings and publish them to the board for approval
- Provide sage advice as needed
- Attend board meetings
Executive Committee Chairs (Voting Executive Board Members)
- Get judges for monthly competitions, as well as NECCC & Glennie selections
- Get comment takers for monthly competitions
- Refine competition category definitions as necessary prior to first competition and get board approval for changes
- Clarify definitions and rules to both competitors and judges as needed
- Ensure adherence to competition rules
- Maintain procedures to protect the anonymity of competitors
- Attend board meetings
- Attend all judging sessions
- Secure outside judge for EOY competition
- Receives all monthly competition images
- Organizes the images in Lightroom collections for judging
- Attends judging sessions and displays the images recording the judges scores
- Displays the images and announces their scores at the monthly club meetings
- Provide individual monthly feedback to judges on their scores relative to others
- Delivers the images to the webmaster for posting
- Participate in image selection sessions for outside competitions
- Provide images with scores of 27 or higher to the PSA rep each month
- Attends board meetings
- Provides the EOY judge with the images that qualify and information on the various trophies.
- Tallies year end scores and determines total points and best average winners
- Produces slideshow for the year end awards banquet
- Identifies, contacts and schedules speakers for the monthly first Monday Library Speakers series
- Publicizes upcoming speakers
- Ensures all the speakers technical needs including microphone, projector etc. are met
- Introduces the speakers before their presentation and follows up with thank you notes.
- Maintains contact with upcoming speakers providing driving directions
- Coordinates payment with the treasurer
- Ensures that speaker notes are made available to those attending
- Attends board meetings
- Solicit from members short topics of interest for “After the Break” mini forums at the regular monthly meetings and schedule these sessions
- Plan forums or workshops for the Library in coordination with the Outside
Speaker program chair for some Mondays - Identify and pursue community outreach and/or fund raising projects for the club
- Consider and coordinate ideas for outings
- Attend board meetings
Other Committee Chairs and Coordinators
- Technical coordination / management: Zoom meetings
- Liaison: Town of Simsbury, Simsbury Public Library, Town of Granby
- Documentation: Member Handbook and Club Bylaws
- Simsbury CC Google Groups Administrator
- Ensure that all current members are part of the Google Groups and that all new members are added and those no longer members are removed.
- Act as liaison with Google Groups for any problems that arise.
- Maintain and update the Simsbury Camera Club website
- Be responsible for web content with consultation with the president if needed
- Facilitate members monthly image submissions for competitions
- Post images and scores featuring winning images each month
- Maintain and update the club events calendar
- Display and update the name of the current Library Display member
- Feature approaching events of interest on the home page
- Provide easy access to bylaws, member handbook and category definitions
- Provide membership information with printable application
- Provide contact information for potential members
- Attends board meetings
- Maintain and update the clubs Facebook page
- Publicize SCC meetings and activities through multiple channels including Facebook, Simsbury Patch, Valley Press and the Hartford Courant
- Coordinate responses to outside requests for photo services and art displays
- Attends board meetings
- Coordinate club outings, with a target of 2 per year
- Publicize outings via email detailing location, time and date
- Compile a list of attendees and share with volunteer point person as needed
- Email picture(s) from outing to the publicity chair
- Produce a column for the website honoring a past or current long-time SCC member who has contributed to the club over and above the contributions of the average member
- Work with the membership so that these columns can be archived for future reference
- Solicit nominations and/or volunteers for elected and non-elected club positions
- Work with the president and the board to identify potential candidates for club officer and committee chair positions
- Conduct annual elections in the manner specified in club bylaws
- Work in concert with the board to choose a venue for the club’s Annual Awards Banquet
- Secure reservations for the first Friday in June and work with the treasurer to negotiate a price and sign a contract
- Choose menu selections, again in concert with the board, and circulate those menu choices and a sign up form to the membership several months before the banquet
- Collect and monitor list of attendees and make certain the treasurer receives all payments
- Coordinate trophy delivery and organization with the VP
- Solicit volunteers from the club to bring a dessert/snack and beverages to each club meeting and each library speaker presentation
- Supply a list of those volunteers to the webmaster for posting
- Bring cups, plates and napkins to each meeting (get reimbursement from the treasurer)
- Put out “collection basket” for contributions at Eno Hall only and ensure money gets to the treasurer
- Set up and clean up refreshment table
- Secure volunteer members to display their work in the Simsbury Library Hall on a monthly or bimonthly schedule
- Be liaison with the Library regarding the displays
- Facilitate change over between exhibitors as needed
- Provide webmaster with a schedule of exhibitors for posting
- Solicit club members to provide framed prints for the club December display in the Library Program Room
- Oversee and facilitate hanging and removal of those pieces.
- Ensure that all current members are part of the Google Groups and that all new members are added and those no longer members are removed
- Act as liaison with Google Groups for any problems that arise.
- Greet arriving members and guests
- Bring name tags to each club event and create new name tags for new members
- Conduct 50/50 raffle
- Represent the SCC in dealings with the NECCC, PSA, Glennie and CAP
- Relay to the SCC members important news from each of these organizations
- Work with the treasurer to ensure that dues and entrance fees are paid
- Work with the Judging Chair and the Digital Coordinator to provide images in a timely manner for the interclub competitions sponsored by these groups
- Notify members whose images are being entered in a competition and be sure that they haven’t entered those same images with another club
- Relay competition results to the President, Judging Chair and Digital Coordinator so that those results and images may be announced at the next club meeting
- Email the SCC membership the results after the club meeting announcement
- Act as liaison with organizers of both events
- Publicize events to membership and solicit participation
- Coordinate SCC display at Simsbury Celebrates
- Receive photos from participants and pass them on to event organizers
Revised 7/04/23
Contact us
The club can be contacted by sending an e-mail to scc-mail@googlegroups.com
Important Links